Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I'm a Broken Record


Ted D said...

Hey, keep being a broken record. As I avoid television news like the plague, I'm getting my campaign coverage from you and "Opie and Anthony". Quite a crew, huh? ;)

beckperson said...

Ted, I consider it my personal mission to get you on the Obama bandwagon (and stay there). :)

Also, what IS your real first name?

::patiently awaits the answer::

Ted D said...

Sorry Becks, I can't tell you. It's too embarassing. Though I think Tex knows and I'm SURE she'll be willing to share.

I thought my email had it on it.

::breathes sigh of relief::

And if Obama wins the Democratic nomination and somebody not named McCain wins the Republican nomination, well...

Let's just say you had me at hello. ;)

Tex said...

::plots torture for Ted to get his real name::

repeat after me Ted, vote Obama Vote Obama

Jane said...

I know something y'all don't know!(Ted, you can blame caller ID for that one).

However, I pledge never to divulge it.

You know, unless Ted doesn't vote for Obama. ;-)


Tex said...

DAMMIT i dont have a landline. how is it YOU know something I dont know.

::runs off to bribe ted's family::

Ted D said...

Are you blackmailing me, JD? :)

I'll never tell, Tex.

Tex said...

im not blackmailing YOU ted. ::rolls eyes::

Ted D said...

I didn't say you were blackmailing me, Tex. I said JD was blackmailing me.

::rolls eyes::

beckperson said...

Ted, you brought all of this on yourself, you know....

bwaaaa ha ha hahaha!

I have not typed or spoken the secret to anyone, nor has JD. I can't vouch for Tex, although she managed not to say it while drunk typing, so I guess you're ok after all.

Ted D said...

No Becks, it's YOUR fault for posting about Teddy Kennedy!!
