Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Erica Jong Nails It

Sometimes news stories just sort of float past and you have an odd feeling about them but you either get distracted or (as is the case for me most of the time) you have to not listen too closely for fear of blowing a gasket? Well, that was the case with the Laura Bush in the Middle East story. It had occurred to me that it was unusual for her to be traveling alone, but there was something else that bothered me and Erica Jong has nailed it.

"Now that Laura Bush is back from the Middle East and can take off her black scarf, it's time to ask why she is promoting freedom for women in the Middle East when the rights of American women are being systemically eroded by her husband's initiatives. Is it the same reason why her husband promotes democracy abroad while the Patriot Act and the suspension of the Geneva Convention dilute democracy at home?"

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