Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Big Time Secret Revealed

The revelation of Deep Throat's identity today reminds us of the great need for a similar patriot in the current nutfarm in Washington. Just when those of us of a certain age thought that Tricky Dick was the epitome of evil, and Ronald Reagan was the most dangerous man to have his finger on the nuclear button, we have the idiot currently in the White House,who has made dirty tricks the standard for conducting business.

However, there is a certain hope as the Washington Post speculates that the Chimp has wasted any political capital that he [thought he] had back in November (jeez, can it only be 6 months ago?).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am thinking it was not Felt, or Woodward and Bernstien that brought down Nixon, so much as it was the FBI. The agency as a whole will probably have to deal with repurcussions of this. I doubt Felt could have done it all by himself.