Friday, February 29, 2008

A Library. Really?

Received this in an email from my brother the other day:

The George W Bush Presidential Library is now in the planning stages. You'll want to be one of the first to make a contribution to this man's legacy. The Library will include:
  • The Hurricane Katrina Room, which is still under construction.
  • The Alberto Gonzales Room, where you can't remember anything.
  • The Texas Air National Guard Room, where you won't have to even show up.
  • The Walter Reed Hospital Room, where they won't let you in.
  • The Guantanamo Bay Room, where they won't let you out.
  • The Weapons of Mass Destruction Room (which they're still trying to locate).
  • The Iraq War Room, where after you complete your first tour, they will make you go back for second, third, fourth, and sometimes fifth tours.
  • The Dick Cheney Room, in the famous undisclosed location, complete with shooting gallery.

Plans also include:
  • The K-Street Project Gift Shop, where you can buy (or just steal) an election.
  • The Airport Men's Room, where you can meet some of your favorite Republican Senators.
  • To highlight the President's accomplishments, the museum will have an electron microscope to help you locate them.
  • Last, but not least, there will be an entire floor devoted to a 7/8 scale model of the President's ego.

We may be going to Texas soon, but won't be stopping here anytime soon.


Ted D said...

Becks, you need to have your picture taken in front of it flipping the bird or something.

Make a great blogger picture!

Jane said...

