Tuesday, February 19, 2008


So, he did it again! Barack is projected to be the winner in Wisconsin tonight - great news for all of us looking forward into the 21st century and hoping for some change in the politics as usual. I am so looking forward to Senator Obama taking on Grandpa McBush in November - he'll wipe the floor up with the old geezer.

Now it's time for Texas, Ohio, Vermont and Rhode Island to bring it home.


Ted D said...

Yes we can?

Redbeard76 said...

I can has Obama for Prez?

Tex said...

I know I'll do my part. Btw I got my new voter card for my address in the mail today. gave me a huge smile to be able to use it for Good now. :)

Redbeard76 said...

The Obama ads are now in heavy rotation here in VT. Where's Hillary and her so-called 35 years now? I haven't seen any ads of hers here, but she did an interview via satellite with the local station.

When asked if she's coming to Vermont to campaign, she bullshitted her way through it as to be expected, but seems unlikely.