Sunday, February 24, 2008

Bush Declares Himself Dictator

He's finally gone and done what he's wanted to do for the past 7+ years - name himself dictator. And he has the wardrobe to prove it!

Actually, this is an AP picture from his recent travels in Africa, but WTF reason would he have for actually donning these duds? Who knows how that man's brain works? Let us all just be grateful he's got less than a year left to torment us.


Tex said...

now Becks. he's been dressing up as a cowboy here and as a president in dc. of COURSE he has to play dress up as dictator when he goes to Africa. he's practicing for halloween :)

Redbeard76 said...

Of course, he also played "dress up" when he landed on the USS Abraham Lincoln, he was pretending to be a pilot. Just like he's been pretending to be a president the last 7 years.

I'm really getting pissed at Hillary for more of her cheap tactics this weekend, first the mailing waving. Now the controversial photo. Now who's having slanderous Karl Rove-like campaigns?

And now Ralph Nader? Hopefully he will remain marginalized and not make an impact this year, but really, did he have to? Methinks he's a pubbie in sheep's clothing. Asshole.

Ted D said...

He looks sort of confused about where to put whatever it is he's doing.

Come to think of it, he's had that same look for 7 years.

::slaps forehead::