Friday, August 12, 2005

Hey, How 'Bout Swift Boat Mothers for Peace?

Cindy Sheehan's got some good stuff happening down there in be-YOU-ti-ful Crawford, Texas. In fact, she's now running an ad to appear on the local cable tv stations there. But, like the Swift Boat Veterans during the election, the news channels are picking up the appropriate segments of the ad, that says things like: "Why did you lie to us about WMD?" Ha! Can we beat them at their own game. We're giving it a good try, so it seems.

Check this out.

Hang in there, Cindy! If you'd like to keep up with the doings at "Camp Casey," Cindy's keeping a diary on Daily Kos. Does anybody know of local events being organized in support of Cindy Sheehan's demonstration? I've heard of it happening in other parts of the country. If there is anything going on in Massachusetts, I'd love to hear about it and participate. In fact, I'd love to hear about anything happening in New England, southern Ohio, Portland (Oregon), or southwestern New Mexico as I have friends and family in those locations.

Go Cindy!

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