Tuesday, January 24, 2006

A Letter to David Gregory, NBC News

Dear David,
Last week, I read news accounts and heard on the radio, your exchange with Scott McClellan regarding the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal. A lot of people are giving you kudos for your fiesty retorts to the perennial stonewalling being perpetuated by the press secretary.

I beg to differ.

Specifically, I've been wanting to ask you, David, why do you bother going to the White House to actually get information? After five years, it's clear that the Bush administration is not going to tell you anything. I can just picture you every morning, getting up and preparing the questions you are going to ask your friend Scott. And then, you get smacked down time after time at what is euphamistically called a "briefing" at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

In light of this repeated smack-down, I have a suggestion. Why don't you and your pals skip tomorrow's briefing and go to the mall instead?...or get a massage?...even clean the gutters on your house? It's clear that taking this time away would get you every bit as far as sitting there in the press room, matching wits with that moron. David, understand this: you demean yourselves and your profession by hanging around waiting for the White House scraps. What would they do if you guys just didn't show up? Somehow I think that the country would survive - or perhaps even be better served without us having to listen to the lies that come out of that place, day after day.

Or, if you'd feel guilty killing time with these extracurricular activities, why don't you do some actual reporting? There must be sources that can be cultivated somewhere in Washington. I am old enough to remember a time when actual reporters brought down an actual president (although I'm not sure Bob Woodward remembers this). Perhaps you can contact Carl Bernstein for a few pointers.

In the meantime, David, remember the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.



Anonymous said...

Dear Who-ever-you-are:

David Gregory is a self absorbed media cynic. His performance in the press conferences you reference was despicable. He should resign in disgrace, except he has no morals and no sense of responsibility. This whole issue is about the media, which has become the star in its own soap opera, disguised as news. Oh, by the way, as a Bush-hater how does it feel to be in the minority?

An anonymous conservative.

Anonymous said...

The best I can figure is that Gregory feels that he is part of the news, not the reporter of the news. His questions are designed to draw attention to himself, not to the issue of the hour.

Maybe he is stupid enough to think that his buddy Scott will slip and step on one of the land mine questions he throws out daily. But I can't see how the intelligence of our press has disintegrated to the point that David Gregory's common sense is as good as it gets.

beckperson said...

Dear anonymous conservative:
I guess you haven't heard that only 39% of Americans think the Chimp is doing a good job. Who's in the minority now, dope?

To everyone else:
Finally provoked one of the wingnuts! I must be doing something right! Wahooooo!

Anonymous said...

I am not a Bush supporter by any means but I stumbled onto your blog and probably will never come back. But you should get your facts straight. The last pole I read said the slug had a 54% approval.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that Liberals like
Gregory are so into themselves that
they forget what they were created for....to report the news....one good thing we conservatives can all draw from their ignornance is that the Republicans will rule the country forever.....so to all you liberals.... get on the right side.

Mike -- a Canadian Conservative and a person who supports George 'W"....

Anonymous said...

The core problem with liberal ideas

The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.