Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Confessions of a Political Junky

I have a confession.

I have been a political junky since taking notice of the 1960 presidential election. (OK, I'm old.) My first political memory is a bet my parents had with my aunt and uncle over who would win. Any guesses on who my parents voted for? Anybody?

Yes, of course they voted for JFK and they won the bet.

Another confession - I adore watching political conventions. The first one I remember vividly was 1964, when LBJ was nominated. In those days, it was gavel-to-gavel coverage...during the day. I remember long, hot summer afternoons (pre-air conditioning) watching our black and white TV and listening to old, white men wearing funny hats drone on and on. I loved it. (My own particular high point was the roll call of the states for voting by the only woman to be found on the convention podium...Aaaaaaaal a baaammmmmma!)

Why am I confessing this today, you may ask? It's because I have been hooked on political tv ever since those first days - whether it "Washington Week in Review" or "McLaughlin Group" or "Hardball."

BUT, I think I may have finally reached even MY limit. For years, "Hardball" host Chris Matthews has turned into a mouthpiece for the GOoPers. Last week he tied together the words Osama bin Laden uttered on his recent videotape to those said by Michael Moore. In other words, left-leaning activists are the equivalent of mass murderers. Damn.

Well, this has stirred up the blogosphere in a big way, as you might imagine. I've written to MSNBC requesting an apology. If you're interested in learning more, go here. You'll find a list of advertisers to contact to put pressure on Matthews to apologize for his miserable behavior. Join the fun - hold the MSM's feet to the fire.

Luckily for me, today's 24-hour political fix comes from the internet. Thank God there are enough good writers and activists out there to keep me away from corporate news that's on today's TV.

Anything you'd like to confess? The floor's open.

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