Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Dusting Off the Place

Alright, stop looking at me like that. I've been busy at work. I was sick for two weeks. I have been engrossed in baseball games. I've been 'palooza-ing.

Besides, I haven't had anything earth-shattering to say. Yes, the Clinton-Obama saga continues unabated. She's still clinging to hope. He's still rising above it all. At long last, the Pennsylvania primary is less than a week away. If Hillary gains more than 10 votes out of the deal, I'll eat my...Red Sox hat. Yeah, that's it.

And it's now 10 days until our vacation. Yes, indeed, we's goin' to Texas. Cannot wait for the good times, good music, good friends, good weather, and more. I'm looking forward to a nice relaxing time, sleeping late and going to 10:00 pm shows. Wahooo.

And for those who care, the Texas Music Series continues...

Texas wants us anyway??? Wooooooot!!!!

1 comment:

Ted D said...

Becks, I was wondering if you'd retired the place! ;) You and Mr. Becks are going to have a ball in Texas. I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures.