1. Eggnog or hot chocolate?
I worship eggnog, but my arteries don't. (You'd think I'd like the Eggnog Latte at Starbucks, but it sucks. Big time.)
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just set them under the tree?
Santa doesn't wrap presents! Everybody knows that!
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?
White outside usually, but not this year because the outlet started to sizzle this summer when I plugged the weed wacker into it. Thought it might be a good idea not to burn the house down. Colored lights inside on the large tree in the living room; white on the smaller tree in the dining room.
4. Do you hang mistletoe?
5. When do you put your decorations up?
Later than most people, but not on Christmas Eve I (at least not yet).
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?
Don't have any specific favorites from days of yore. In recent years, I've made Jambalaya on Christmas Eve - it's starting to be our tradition.
7. Favorite holiday memory as a child?
It may be strange, but a favorite memory for me was the weeks leading up to Christmas. My dad was a jeweler, and worked non-stop from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Truth be told, I don't think we saw him much over those 4 weeks - he even worked Saturday AND Sunday all day. During that time, the house was totally run by my mom and us kids. The best part about it was having breakfast for dinner - pancakes, scrambled eggs. Part of this is because my mom was the World's Worst Cook, but also because my dad was a real "meat and potatoes" guy and I suspect she wanted time off from the regular routine as much as we did. In later years, we found out that all the overtime Dad put it in actually provided us Christmas itself. My mom would 'charge' all our toys and gifts early in the season and pay them off at Christmas with the extra pay. How did he do it? I'm not sure I could ever be so selfless. Thanks, Dad.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
I really don't remember, although I think Patty vanden Eynden from down the street had something to do with it.
9. Do you open gifts Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
When we were little kids, we opened Christmas Day, when we were teenagers, it all moved to Christmas Eve. For all my married life, it's been Christmas morning.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
Although most of my married life, I've decorated the tree by myself (after Bobbers puts it in the stand), we didn't put up a big tree this year. I've finally determined that I'd rather spend my time doing other things - a sure sign of oncoming elderliness, I suppose.
11. Snow- Love it or dread it?
Now that I don't have to drive in it much anymore (telecommuting, what a concept!) and we bought a snow blower, I really like snow. I've really tried to make an effort to enjoy each season as it comes and not to complain too much about it. To me, one of the pleasures of winter is the beautiful sky - best enjoyed while shoveling snow in late afternoon.
12. Can you ice skate?
Nope, the one and only time I tried to ice skate, I fell and someone behind me skated over my hand. Kinda turned me off a skating career. Although I have to say it looks like great fun...especially at Rockefeller Center.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
I don't have a particular stand-out gift as a child, but I have to say that two Christmases ago, I got a bunch of presents from Bobbers that were out of this world. Everything was well-thought out and bought with love. Especially important was the fact that all the gifts were purchased a mere two months or so following his major heart surgery - very impressive. (I still - to this day - marvel at how he slogged through the mall with all that heavy stuff when he wasn't supposed to be carrying anything really heavy at the time. Wouldn't that be just great to have your husband keel over buying Christmas presents for you?)
14. What's the most exciting thing about the holidays for you?
Catching up on sleep, watching movies, hanging out with friends, cooking some great meals.
15. What is your favorite holiday desert?
1) A desert I can make: Garbage candy -- one part white chocolate, one part peanuts, one part pretzels; 2) Grammy's fudge (although I don't get to have it often). As my cousin, Susan, said on her blog, "My uncle makes the most awesome, decadent, melt in your mouth fudge you will ever taste, using my Grandma's recipe. (Funny note: the recipe has this instruction on how long to stir it: Until your arm falls off. I miss Grandma)." Me too, Susan, me too! Except, isn't she called "Grammy?"
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Watching "White Christmas" (favorite song: "Sisters") and "It's a Wonderful Life" (favorite scene: when George Bailey just barely prevents himself from heaving the newel post knob; second favorite scene: when he tells off Zouzou's teacher: "What kind of teacher are you, anyway?"; third favorite scene: "Hello, 5 and Dime! Hello, Savings and Loan! Hello....everything else....!")
17. What tops your tree?
A green and gold painted aluminum star from Pier 1.
18. Which do you prefer: giving or receiving?
Well, I must confess I really like....receiving!
19. What is your favorite Christmas song?
"I'll Be Home for Christmas" sung by just about anyone. So very bittersweet. Second favorite: "The Christmas Song" by Mel Torme.
20. Candy canes?
Nah, not so much.
Hey Becks. Real quick, my answers:
1. Eggnog
2. Of course Santa doesn't wrap
3. White lights outside, color inside
4. No mistletoe: boys would just eat it.
5. The Day after Thanksgiving (My wife is insane you realize)
6. London Broil
7. I got a nerf football when I was 8, bit off the end, and got a whipping at 8:30 on Christmas morning. Wait a minute...
8. What do you mean "Learn the Truth about Santa"?
9. One Christmas Eve, the rest in the morning
10. We have no decorations from the ground to about 3 ft on the tree. Guess why not.
11. I'd LOVE to have snow. It hasn't snowed here in almost 4 years. :(
12. Shoot yeah I can ice skate.
13. A Red Rider BB gun. I shot my eye out.
14. Seeing my kids faces light up
15. Don't do dessert.
16. Eating Christmas lunch with my folks and brother and sisters
17. A Star
18. Getting of course
19. Little Drummer Boy (Bob Seger version)
20. Meh.
Merry Christmas Becks!
Here's hoping you receive everything you want, and a healthy New Year to you and Bob.
By the way, Santa doesn't wrap, but he does crump. ;)
1. hot chocolate (egg nog just never has appealed to me)
2. Elves wrap the presents...Santa delivers them!
3. i change it each year depending on my mood :) but i like one solid color on the outside no matter the color
4. mistletoe? i need a REASON to kiss?? :)
5. usually the sunday after thanksgiving
6. years ago we quit doing the traditional dinner and change out each year..my fav one yet is gumbo
7. my fav is spending it in jamaica when i was 12...my lil sis still believed and we were waiting on the christmas crate...it came just in time but we had to decorate our tree with popcorn, coffee beans and homemade ornaments
8. i dont recall learning the truth about santa...but i remember my lil sis worried that santa wouldnt find us in jamaica
9. Christmas morn of course
10. the tree is usually decorate with star ornaments and some sentimental ornaments involving my son
11. snow?? in TEXAS?? I WISH..course i wouldnt want to blow or shovel it
12. i have iceskated...fell down. alot.
13. we did not have alot growing up...my fav gift was seeing my lil sis get her gift in jamaica.
14. doing the Trail of Lights and seeing christmas lights with the kids
15. fav holiday dessert? sweet potato pie with whip cream
16. holiday tradition? taking the kids to see the lights
17. a lighted tin star
18. it depends on the giving/receiving. of course i love to get presents but if it's something really specially planned...i like the giving part
19. I'll be Home for Christmas is my fav. makes me cry
20. candy canes...hung on christmas trees
Merry Christmas Becks, and have a great new year.
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