Sunday, October 21, 2007

Game Seven Mojo

The Red Sox are making it dramatic, once again! But, we're experienced at Game Seven rituals, superstitions and downright bizarre behavior. For instance, I'm continuing to wear my unwashed (but not filthy) "Life is Good" Fenway T-shirt. Last week, I was wearing my Papelbon shirt but after the Sox lost three games in a row, this shirt stays in the drawer until the World Series.

For last night's game, I also sported a hand-knitted scarf from an internet friend that had just arrived from Tennessee. It provided its very own mojo because just as I put it on, JD Drew hit a Grand Slam. You can bet the scarf stays on tonight for the duration.

Spent yesterday afternoon visiting with some friends from the Surviving Grady website, two of whom actually won tickets to the game. It was fun to be near to Fenway prior to the game to feel some of the excitement - and to put faces and real voices with the electronic voices each of them has.

It's just a few minutes till gametime! Go Red Sox! Sending positive vibes to Daisuke Matsuzaka tonight. See you later...


HorshamScouse said...

I hate superstition. All the talk of curses led me to supporting the Sox in the first place. But I've watched the last three games in Internet cafes because, when I came back from vacation the first time they lost while I watched at home.

So, even though I was home for games six and seven, I went into downtown Wellington for the games.

I go along with Niels Bohr's view of horseshoes: "I understand they bring good luck whether you believe in them or not."

Ted D said...

::wears Bud Light box on head, sprays beer all over Becks place::

Becks, it's a blast meeting people we spend so much time talking to. Kelly, Rob, and JD are three of the most genuine people I think I've met. And I'm sure Trot's Hat and Cindy are as well.

Looking forward to meeting my friend Becks next year in Cincinnatti.

::resumes the Riverdance::

Tex said...

Cool Pic!! ::clears throat:: ahem...I TOOK that pic of Kyle and Steve...just gave it to kelly. :)

the Steve mojo is working