Saturday, August 05, 2006

Tagged and Bagged

Well, here's a first. I've been tagged to write a blogpost with the following rules:

The player of this game starts with "5 weird things/habits about yourself".
In the end you need to choose 5 people to be tagged and list their names. The people who get tagged need to write a blog about their 5 weird things/habits, as well as state this rule clearly, then tag 5 more victims. Don't forget to leave your victim a comment that says "you're tagged!" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

My cousin Susan did this dirty trick. Gee,thanks. :-)

1. I am out of the house every workday in a half hour or less from the time my feet hit the floor. This includes a shower, washed hair and dressing myself (and no, I don't plan the wardrobe in advance). My mother used to tell me I should have been a fireman.

2. This one goes along with the first one. I am chronically early for everything. There's nothing I hate worse than thinking anyone is waiting for me - drives me insane.

3. I am addicted to presidential elections and election coverage. Gee, now there's a surprise. There's nothing I like better than watching convention coverage (I was orgasmic when the Democrats held their convention in Boston in 2004 - I was able to attend an event that featured the women senators: Clinton, Mikulski, Murray, Boxer, Stabenow, Lincoln. Totally fun.) I particularly enjoyed the 1992 and 1996 outcomes, when I printed out a copy of the US map and colored in the states as they were won by Clinton/Bush and Clinton/Dole. Hey, maybe I need to revisit this in 2008 - it worked then, didn't it?

4. Not a particularly weird habit, but I bite my finger cuticles too much. I'd give anything to have my sister Nancy's nice nails.

5. I like doing things in season. For instance, I can't do Christmas shopping until at least Thanksgiving. And, I like to buy clothes when I can actually wear them. Yesterday, I went shopping for summer clothes. During a week when the temperature rose to 102 degrees (in New England for God's sake!) I had the audacity to walk into a store looking for shorts. At Coldwater Creek a nice saleswoman asked if she could help me find anything. I said, "Where are your summer clothes?" (this after I had only taken about 5 steps into the store). She says, "They're all gone." I said, "So am I," and walked out the door. I guess I should have shopped for shorts in May when it was 40 degrees and raining all the time, eh? I'm convinced that one of these days the stores will "lap" themselves and be putting out seasonal clothes right when we need to have them.

OK, who can I tag? I don't know 5 people with blogs. So, the following people (who are my total readership, I think) will have to add their 5 strange habits as comments I guess: Rita M., Dianna H., Beth P., Mary Lou and Nanner. (I was going to add my great-niece Melanie because she actually does have a blog, but at around 3 months old, she doesn't have too many strange habits yet.) Have fun, ladies!


LauraHinNJ said...

#1 really made me laugh - a fireman, eh?

I hear you on #5, but always blamed it on being a procrastinator rather than thinking it was the stores fault.

Susan Gets Native said...

Thanks for being a good sport, Cuz.

:-) Hugs!

Anonymous said...

My habits are similar to some of my relatives:

1. Like Susan, I know the Fifty States song. I sing it to Melanie sometimes.

2. Like Cathy, I am chronically early. I KNOW this is a family trait. :)

3. Like Cathy, I bite my cuticles and fingernails too much.

4. I hate to wear shoes and would be barefoot at all times if possible.

5. I'm an Olympics junkie, when they're on. When the Olympics are not on, I could care less about those sports. But when the Olympics come around again, I am suddenly an expert.

PS I probably could do a post on this for Melanie; she's already developing some weird habits.

Susan Gets Native said...

And why didn't I inherit the "Early" gene? Must be a Thurston thing.

Anonymous said...

My mom says it's a Beckman thing. It's also a Shinkle thing, so I got a double dose. We joke that the family motto is "If you can't be early, don't go."

Anonymous said...

ok 5 weird things...1)Absolutely cannot stand the smell of cigarette smoke; when a smoker sits next to me I move! (I know that can be a little mean but smoking is gross! 2) I too am chronically early for appointments fearing tardiness. 3)Watch the old sitcoms, e.g. Seinfeld, Frasier, Friends, etc. over and over and never tire of them.3)Have to get a dose of Air America, or The Daily Show every day. Oh yes, also love Overman on MSNBC. 4)Addicted to Starbuck's Coffee and 5)Have been living in Red Sox land for 30+ years and still a Yankees fan!

beckperson said...

Well, you know what they say...rooting for the MFY's is like rooting for Republicans!


We still love you anyway.

Anonymous said...

Ouch that really hurts!