Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I've Got the Poison, Who's Got the Cure?

'Tis the further adventures of Beckperson's battle with the poison ivy, in which the ivy takes the lead.

Last night I mentioned my trip to the doctor for my annual dose of steroids to relieve me of the heebiejeebies. This rash I have is so ridiculous that perhaps the Chimp could introduce poison ivy as a newfangled torture format at Guantanamo. I don't know about you all, but I would admit to just about anything in order to score some steroids (see previous post).

Right now, the rash is mostly on my forearms - there are large deep red, angry splotches. I also have smaller patches on my ankles, across my chest and even a dot or two on my left cheek (my face, people, my face) and neck.

But the most intriguing one of all is a large blister on the top of my right forearm. It's the size of a marble, and has the texture of a rubber balloon. I imagine it's going to blow at some point soon, but I'm kind of enjoying it...any guesses on when it will go? My best bet is that it will be a couple of days, but it could surprise me sometime, right when I don't expect it or when I don't have a roll of paper towels to soak up the run-off.

The good news is for the most part I'm not suffering, and if you see me in person, don't worry. I'll be wearing long sleeves so you won't have to witness this atrocity. There's no need to be a'feared - just stand back and out of shooting range.

1 comment:

Susan Gets Native said...

Poison ivy can give you large, fluid-filled blisters along with the red rash. Keep it covered and use triple antibiotic!
And I have lots of me around the corner.
