Friday, October 28, 2005

Indictment Day

Five felony counts for Scooter Libby today, which you've all heard by now (perjury, lying and obstruction of justice). While I was hoping for more people to be indicted today, I guess it's enough for now.

Just about a year ago, following the election results, we would never have expected as much fall-out in the Chimp's administration as we've seen recently. But now that so many shoes have fallen (Katrina mess, Harriet Miers fiasco, ridiculous gas prices, the ungodly contination of the WAR) that I'm beginniing to think Imelda Marcos lives in Washington.

But even so, it's time to remind everyone that W came to the presidency saying he was going to restore "dignity" to the capital city. While all of us were disappointed in Clinton's personal sexual picadillos, the rest of his conduct and his administration's was nowhere near what we see today.

Here's Paul Begala's take on the comparison between the two via Huffington Post:

"The plain fact is that after a seven year non-stop investigato-rama, no senior Clinton White House official was ever even charged with wrongdoing. Much less indicted. Much less convicted. In fact, the highest-ranking Clinton official to be convicted of wrongdoing in connection with his public duties was the chief of staff to the Agriculture Secretary. Betcha five bucks you can't even name the Clinton Agriculture Secretary in question, much less his chief of staff. Unlike Nixon (whose Watergate crimes were manifest), unlike Reagan (whose White House was corrupted by the Iran-Contra crimes), unlike Bush 41 (who pardoned White House aides and Cabinet officers before they could testify against him), Bill Clinton presided over the most ethical White House staff in decades."

Read more, it's a good one.

But what about Rove? Fitz says the investigation isn't over. We'll keep our fingers crossed that he, too, will join Libby in the defendant's chair someday soon. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was VERY disappointed the Rove wasn't indicted. Some of the talk I heard after the press conference today sounded like he might not be, that the work still left for the grand jury to do was just clean up work. What did you hear??