Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Iraqi's: Yes; Gulf Coast: No

This infuriatesKos and infuriates me too. Somehow we have the money to kill innocent people in Iraq, but no dough for the rebuilding of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. Sheesh!

Here's a bit:

"Congressional Republicans are not arguing with Bush's pledge that the federal government will lead the Louisiana and Mississippi recovery. But they are insisting that the massive cost -- as much as $200 billion -- be paid for. Conservatives are calling for spending cuts to existing programs, a few GOP moderates are entertaining the possibility of a tax increase, and many in the middle want to freeze Bush tax cuts that have yet to take effect."

Why didn't they insist that the war(s) be paid for, too? Why is that any more noble than taking care of your own country's men, women and children?

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