Thursday, February 10, 2005

John Edwards: What's next?

I hope the reason I like John Edwards is not just his looks, which is admittedly even shallow to say. But ever since I first noticed him during last year's primary season, I've always felt that he had his finger on something. The Two Americas speech definitely hit home. AND, he talked about things as basic as POVERTY. To me, in a country as rich as this one, it's unbearable to think of people (children) going hungry, not being able to get the health care they need, not to be able to find jobs that are suitable, not to mention satisfactory or stimulating.

Next, I love Elizabeth Edwards. Now there's a woman who has her act together and seems to have a lot of heart. She knows where her priorities lie, especially as she plays down her current trials and tribulations. Here's hoping she continues to do well.

Now I hear John is taking up the cause of poverty as he awaits his next political move. No doubt he'll run for something again. And I, for one, hope he does. Here's his blog.

Read about his new cause at the University of North Carolina: Center of Work, Poverty and Opportunity.

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