Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Fighting Back

Barbara Boxer has unleashed some potent thinking among Democrats...that perhaps we ACTUALLY can fight back. This article has a nice run-down of the issue.

Here's an exerpt:

Since November of last year, there has been this pathetic hand-wringing by the left over how to appeal to those who don’t presently support them. Some want to move more to the center while some want to de-emphasize the traditional core principles that make up this party. This would be a drastic mistake because it ignores something so obvious and so simple: Leadership like Dean’s and Boxer’s will help the Democrats – not hurt.

The fact is there are more than eighty million people who were eligible but did not participate in what was the most important election of our age. That number is a disgrace because it points to the despair still consuming far too many Americans. These are the people that need to be brought into the fold. These are the people we must reach out to and instill a sense of pride and participation. Howard Dean was successful in bringing fire and pride back to his party and there are uncounted (literally) numbers of new members to his credit.

I don’t think Democrats ever got over the despicable and disrespectful slap in democracy’s face that Bush gave America back in 2000. But instead of standing up and speaking out, even when it meant the media would beat them up over it, they fell to their knees while trying to work with a leadership that held as much disdain for them as it did those it purported to “serve.” Now because of their inability, or maybe their unwillingness, to shove the lies and the crimes and the corruption back down their opposition’s throats, the Democrats find themselves with less than they had a year ago. Because of this, America is led by liars and thieves who wage illegal wars, advocate torture, rape the environment, dismantle the social structure and security of this country while they profess to be empowered by God Almighty Himself.

OK, and just to be sure we're all on the same page...here's the results of a recent Wall Street Journal poll of Democrats AND Republicans:

Q: Which of the following roles would you like Democrats in Congress to play:

- Work in a bi-partisan way with Republicans to help pass President Bush's legislative priorities so that we do not have gridlock?


- Provide a balance to make sure that President Bush and the Republicans do not go to far in pushing their agenda.

The results: 60% say "provide a balance"...34% say "work in a bi-partisan way"

Fight on, Democrats, fight on.

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