Monday, September 24, 2007

Favorite Bumper Sticker

A trip to Provincetown is not complete until you see some tacky souvenir shops, some up-scale, New York-style boutiques, some sex shops, and typical liberal political shops. My kind of place? Sure, why not?

But the best bumper sticker? Here it is:


Ted D said...


Good one: however my favorite is still this one.

"Honk If you want to see my finger."

Nancy said...

You'd appreciate the candy my sister and bro-in-law brought me back from their vacation this summer. They're lemon tarts, and the box has a picture of Bush with WTF? printed over it. :)

On the back is their motto: "Extra-Fancy Candy for when Life Extra-Sucks."

beckperson said...

Ted, don't believe I've ever seen that one! When I began to have a long commute to work, I had to make a vow never to flip anyone off. Which doesn't mean I don't do it under the dashboard when extremely pissed.

And Nancy, I think I like your sister! Life has extra-sucked for WAY! too long. Can it really be more than a year til that dope leaves office? arrrghhhhh