Friday, September 08, 2006

Too Much "Big Brother"

Having a digital video recorder (aka "TiVo") system mostly allows us to keep up with "The Daily Show," "The Colbert Report," the Letterman show and Oprah! But, this summer, it also has allowed me to record my guiltiest of guilty pleasures: "Big Brother." I typically do not watch reality shows, but there is something about this show that interests me. Perhaps its because it is quite similar to office politics...when people get "evicted" from the house it's sort of the equivalent of a downsizing on the job. And I guess I also enjoy watching people lie to each other and just get away with it!

But anyway...I've been watching the show this summer and it's great to have it recorded because I can zip through all the crappy parts (the gratuitous bikinis and show-mance stuff). I get to stop when the houseguests are at their conniving and back-stabbing best. Why do I enjoy this? God only knows. But I do.

Last night, however, I realized I must be watching too much because I had a dream I was in a "reality show" situation with people being gunshot! When I complained to the HoH about someone else being killed, he turned the gun on me, which caused me to wake right up with a pounding heart! So I guess it's a good thing the show is only on one more night, eh?

(I was sorry to see Dr. Will and Janelle recently evicted...they played the game the best. I had predicted that Mike would win a few weeks ago, so I guess I'll keep with that choice, especially over the skanky Erika.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an alarming dream.

I too was sorry to see them go. Once Janelle evicted Will though, I thought she deserved to win.