Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A September 11 Mentality

Recently, Rudy Giulliani and Grandpa McSame have begun to take Senator Obama to task for his "September 10 mentality." Yes, it seems Senator Obama seems to think that we can manage terrorism as a law and order issue, without abusing our personal privacy or dismantling the Constitution. Imagine that?

"He seems to think [terrorism] is adequately dealt with merely by being a criminal prosecution," Giuliani, himself a famous prosecutor, said. "On every issue, he takes a softer approach."

Giuliani was referring to comments by Obama two days ago, in which he said that after the "first attack against the World Trade Center, we were able to arrest those responsible, put them on trial. They are currently in U.S. prisons, incapacitated."

Giuliani said that statement -- and other comments Obama has made -- suggest Obama would go no further than criminal prosecutions in combating terrorism."

First of all, why does anybody take Rudy seriously anymore? Second of all, I say that Rudy and Gramps are suffering from a gigantic September 11 mentality. In their minds, we haven't moved beyond that day in ANY way. We have learned nothing. We have changed nothing. We aren't prepared to meet the challenges of the modern world. We are stopped and frozen in time. Frozen in those 3 or 4 days during which the world was united and the French famously said "We are all Americans now."

It's refreshing to hear Senator Obama talk like a grown-up, and someone who actually is interested in preserving our rights and going after the bad guys. Remarkable. Let's hope that Americans are interested in the future and not in looking back with fear.


Redbeard76 said...

Well said Becks, thanks for that. It definitely needed to be said. The mongering of fear and control by using September 11 as a rallying point is sadly corruptible.

Ted D said...

::stands and applauds Becks::

Tex said...

yah cos nothing puts fear in the heart of men than the blue haired ladies going through airport security.

I have to say that my life DID change as a result of the happenings on Sept 11....but it was more of an introspective change. i stopped and realized I hadnt been living my life how i wanted.

I agree with being proactive but im not sure rudy understands what that means. I think NYC has moved should he.