Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I Think I'm .... Speechless

Whew! What a freakin' good day! The Democrats actually did it! And to top it off, Mr. Incompetency resigned.


I mean...DAMN!

I won't presume to do a full-out political analysis of the election. There are many more expert at that than me, and you'll decide which of those experts you want to read.

I will say that it the election results represent, for me, a giant step back toward behavior that is more respectful of the US Constitution. What has worried me in recent years has been the incompetence, the bravado, the sense that the Administration is above the law and unaccountable (I guess this means we can take a second look at the torture bill, the illegal wiretaps now!).

I have also been concerned that the rest of the world feels such hatred toward America. Today, my friend Gerard from Belgium IM'd me to ask if it was true that the Democrats had taken over the Congress, asking whether I thought this would signal a change in Iraq? "Too many dead people," he said. At the time, Rumsfeld hadn't resigned and it was not as clear that we're likely to take over the Senate, so all I could say was "I hope so." Now I feel a little more confident about this, needless to say.

In the days ahead I hope the Democrats will use their newfound power wisely. Because they have been so badly mistreated in the minority, I suspect they'll move ahead an abused spouse might after moving out of the house.

In the meantime, I will soak this victory in, be thankful that the dollars and time I contributed were not for naught. (Just heard the Virginia Republicans say "we should let all the votes be counted!" Channeling Al Gore, I suppose.)

Most of all, I am very much looking forward to the State of the Union address. I'll have my popcorn ready and sit back and enjoy watching Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi sitting next to Cheney as the Chimp delivers his speech.


I mean, DAMN.


LauraHinNJ said...

Just had to stop in from Susan's blog and see how happy you are today.

I wonder what will come of such a clear message to our government?

beckperson said...

Laura, thanks for checking in. I'm not sure I really have absorbed our country's great good fortune. I don't know whether the Democrats have it in them to make progress that I would like, but I think the checks and balances of this democracy have been preserved, just in the knick of time.

I'm still doing my Snoopy Dance tonight!

Susan Gets Native said...

Me, too!
Thank you Ohio, for not making me move to another state!
We have the House, the Senate and a MADAME Speaker! I love it.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't express my joy any better than what's depicted in that Snoopy picture!