Saturday, July 08, 2006


As we watch the USA continuue to go to hell in the proverbial handbasket, we ponder this question: Given that the Chimp has had the majority in both houses of Congress for his entire term-and-a-half, what has he actually accomplished?

I would appreciate an answer to this question. However, since it's my blog, I have one stipulation, you cannot mention tax breaks. They don't count because they have been directed overwhelmingly at the super-rich and may actually have done lasting damage to our economy by adding to the deficit.

On the other hand, the list of things that have truly gone wrong is quite long and astonishing. I won't recount all of them here - you can read them in past posts.

OK, so if anyone can give me an answer, I'm waiting.



Anonymous said...

I'm going to work on this, there has to be something. Maybe???.....I'll get back to you.

Susan Gets Native said...

Surely there's something...wait, I'm thinking.
*still thinking.

**still thinking....

Anonymous said...

While looking at the picture that accompanies this post I realized why the right wing fundamentalists have denounced the theory of evolution !

dguzman said...

Uh, um. . . yeah. . . .

I got nothin'.