Thursday, May 04, 2006

Calling Bullshit

There's been a raging debate in the blogosphere this week over Stephen Colbert's appearance at the White House Correspondent's dinner last weekend. This story from today's Washington Post summarizes the whys and wherefores of the controversy. As always, I am here to give you the significant quote, but you really should read the whole story:

"The way I see it, the Washington press corps is still appropriately embarrassed that they screwed up in the run-up to war. Now, as Bush's approval ratings fester, they are getting bolder in challenging the official White House line on any number of issues. They're justifiably proud of a handful of great investigative pieces.

But they still haven't addressed the central issue Colbert was raising: Bush's credibility. As it happens, the public is way ahead of them on this one: For more than a year, the polls have consistently been showing that a majority of Americans don't find Bush honest and trustworthy."

1 comment:

Susan Gets Native said...

Stones...that's what the man has...big, big stones.
It was painful to watch the first time...and then I pretty much just howled the second and third time I watched. Bob's absolutely right: Give the man a medal!